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Old Oct 05, 2009, 06:50 AM // 06:50   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Oct 2009
Guild: Peace With Quiet [Hush]
Profession: N/Rt

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Thumbs up Peace With Quiet [Hush] looking for laid back experienced players

Peace With Quiet [Hush]

Active, Relaxed, Growing, Non-Egotistical, Strong PvE based Guild With Strong World Wide Member Base
Part of the We Farm Your [트두므s] High-End PvE Alliance (Kurzick Alliance)

Guild Focus: Title Grinding - UW/FoW - Urgoz/Deep - Daily Vanqs - Bi-Weekly and/or Weekly Competitions/Events
Members: 60+
1. 16 + yrs. old
2. Ventrilo (strong encouraged microphone or no microphone. Hearing is better than reading)
3. HM & Access to High Level Areas

What we are looking for:
1. Individuals that are interested in simply wanting to work on their titles at their own pace within a helpful community.
2. Dedicated players willing to spend some time giving back to the community as the community does for them.
3. Laid back, experienced fun players who love the game and will fit along into our oddball guild.
4. No Egos and No Drama. That's not what we are about. We do not tolerate scamming, rage quitting, ego boosting or whining.
5. Activity~ We'd like to see our members active on a daily basis or close to it. For any large length of absence an officer should be notified.
6. We are a mature guild with a mature active alliance which will vary in mature conversations each day. We are not PG-13 and we have a obscure sense of humor. If you want kosher this is not the guild for you.

About Us:

Peace With Quiet [Hush] is a relatively new guild who has seen a fast amount of growth in a short period of time. The guild was started to make a sanctuary of some sort for GW players who wanted to belong to a guild without the drama and egos. It's our leaders and officers main priority to help members when they can, and to keep the nonsense at bay. So far we've been right on target. Our guild is rather active and only gets quiet when we are actually doing things. There is usually people on vent either ours or the alliances. You will never be alone.

[Hush] is made up of experienced members from all over the world ranging from the United States to Australia. For the most part we are crazy, laid back, and have an insane amount of fun on a daily basis with lots of laughter. Our core member base of the guild is a strong tight nit group ranging in a few months to four years experience in the game. If you're new and have a willingness to learn about anything and all things then you will fit right in here. If you know everything and have a willingness to teach motivated people then you will fit right in here as well. If you're looking for an active guild where you don't have to worry about egos and drama then this is the place for you.

Website and Forums:
[트두므s] Alliance & Forums
[Hush] Application Form

1. Respect for everyone, including randoms and pugs in-game.
2. Absolutely no whining or begging of any kind. We ALL WORKED for our stuff fairly, we expect you to do the same. We will give you a hand to give you a boost of encouragement.
3. No Egos and No Drama. That's not what we are about. We do not tolerate scamming, rage quitting, ego boosting or whining.
4. There is a 24 hour probation period for all new members.
5. There is a two strike rule for all members. We all have bad days but, we do not make a habit out of it.
6. We do not flame other players be it in guild, alliance or random pug groups.
7. Keep swearing to a minor usage.
8. Drop your real life drama when you sign into the game. We are always here to help but we do not take the brunt of it.

Contact information:
Yez Srinn (GL)
Lucky Penguin (Co-GL)
Mystikal Shadows (O)
Ownage Savage (O)
Eliyah Faye (O)

Guest-posting access is enabled for the Guild Recruitment sub-forum in the[Hush] Application Form Please start your own thread in that forum to answer the following application questions. A copy/paste of these questions with the answers underneath is recommended.

Name (What you like to be called):

IGN (Main Character):


How long have you been playing:

What Titles or Goals do you have currently set:


Do you have Ventrilo and/or a Microphone, are you willing to try it out if you dont:

Experience (Specific things like DoA farming or UWSC and etc.):

How often do you play (days/times):

What are your favorite and least favorite things to do in the game:

Past Guilds (Name/How long have you been with them/Reason for leaving):

What can you bring into this guild:

Is there anything you'd like to add:
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